Track: Woodrow Wilson C

  • Refreshing the contributor pipeline

    A healthy contributor pipeline requires new contributors! Prior to the pandemic, our in-person events were key to welcoming and engaging new contributors. With events slower to return, how can we continue to connect with and bring in new contributors? This discussion will explore where Make Teams are currently seeing new contributors from, and brainstorm what…

  • Part II: Aligning WordPress enterprise with WordPress community

    In recent years, WordPress has struggled to grow at the enterprise level. At the same time, companies and individuals invested in enterprise could be an immense value-add to the WordPress open source project. This discussion will explore the current friction points between enterprise interests and community interests, and where alignments can be amplified for mutual…

  • Break

  • Part I: Aligning WordPress enterprise with WordPress community

    In recent years, WordPress has struggled to grow at the enterprise level. At the same time, companies and individuals invested in enterprise could be an immense value-add to the WordPress open source project. This discussion will explore the current friction points between enterprise interests and community interests, and where alignments can be amplified for mutual…

  • Lunch

  • How does the Make Team ecosystem work and how are we connected?

    There are 22 Make Teams (and counting!) that build WordPress. Each team has it’s mandate and priorities, and are connected by the overarching purpose of moving WordPress forward. For contributors working on one team, it can be easy to lose sight of the broader project and other teams, or see how your team’s work fits…

  • Break

  • Can WordPress become the household name it deserves to be?

    WordPress is the internet’s best kept secret. What would it take for WordPress to be able to raise awareness about itself and elevate the value of the ecosystem, while being thoughtful on behalf of the community that surrounds it? Facilitator: Devin Sears