Track: Woodrow Wilson B

  • Addressing backwards compatibility in Gutenberg

    This discussion aims to explore the challenge of backwards compatibility in JavaScript and PHP APIs from the Gutenberg project into WordPress core. Currently, there is little clarity around maintenance of backward compatibility across the project, resulting in confusion for developers and performance issues. There are two focus areas: Perspectives needed: Senior WordPress Core contributors/committers with…

  • Part II: Communicating on Make Team blogs: discussions, proposals, announcements

    The WordPress community communicates primarily across Slack and Make Team blogs, commonly referred to as “P2s”. Make Team blogs in particular see an assortment of updates, discussions, proposals, and announcements. How do these come to be, and how can people provide feedback? How is the feedback considered when decisions are made? This discussion will focus…

  • Break

  • Part I: Communicating on Make Team blogs: discussions, proposals, announcements

    The WordPress community communicates primarily across Slack and Make Team blogs, commonly referred to as “P2s”. Make Team blogs in particular see an assortment of updates, discussions, proposals, and announcements. How do these come to be, and how can people provide feedback? How is the feedback considered when decisions are made? This discussion will focus…

  • Lunch

  • Iterating on the Team Rep role

    Today, each Make Team has a few Team Representatives (often referred to as “Team Reps”). Historically this role was not a leadership position, but designed to help facilitate communication across teams through weekly updates and cross-team discussions. Over the years, the Team Rep role has shifted and now differs from team to team: on some…

  • Break

  • Refining Five for the Future for a robust WordPress community

    The Five for the Future (“5ftF”) program can help ensure the long term health of WordPress’ contributor pipeline. To make 5ftF as effective as possible, strong participation from 5ftF companies and project-wide understanding of Make Team needs and priorities is required. As such, this discussion will focus on two related topics: Perspectives needed: Current and…