Join Us as a Notetaker for the Community Summit

Here is a template for Community Summit notetakers.

Community Summit attendees are invited to fill an important role as a Notetaker for one or more Community Summit discussions. If you are willing to serve as a Notetaker, please let us know by Thursday, August 17.

The Role: Notetaker

  • During the discussion: Each Community Summit discussion will have two Notetakers. Together, you’ll take notes to capture the discussion (more about this below).
  • Post-Summit: After the Summit concludes, Notetakers are responsible for drafting and publishing a clear summary of the discussion on the Make WordPress Community Summit blog.

Why this is important

The Notetaker role is essential. By capturing Community Summit discussions and posting summaries, Notetakers ensure that the Summit discussions have a lasting impact, and that the broader WordPress community has the chance to meaningfully engage with the topic at hand. Before your discussion summary is published, we’ll provide you with proofreaders to help ensure clarity.

Benefits of being a Notetaker

  • Contribution to the Community: Extend the reach of these vital discussions to the broader WordPress community, and ensure that these discussions and their associated action items live on after the Summit concludes.
  • Recognition: Your contribution will be acknowledged, with your name included on the discussion summary post.

Tips for Notetakers

All discussion summaries will practice non-attribution, by not attributing ideas, perspectives, or statements to any specific individuals. The summary should capture key points that arose in the discussion, the full range of perspectives shared, and areas of agreement and divergence (all without attribution). Additionally, the summary should clearly list action items/next steps, and who is responsible for each action item. 

Tips for capturing discussion notes:

  • Active listening: Stay engaged and discern main points.
  • Direct quotes: Capture impactful statements, but be sure to maintain anonymity/non-attribution of the speaker.
  • Action items: Note any action items and who is responsible for each.
  • Questions & answers: Capture any questions and answers.
  • Visual aids: Note or photograph any visual aids used.
  • Avoid personal bias: Remain impartial in your notes and as you write the summary.

Tips for writing a discussion summary:

  • Start with an overview: Begin with the main topic and its significance.
  • Highlight key points: Summarize main points of agreement and divergence.
  • Action items: List actions/next steps and responsible parties.
  • Use direct quotes sparingly: Maintain flow in your summary.
  • Avoid personal bias: Represent the discussion impartially.
  • Review & revise: Aim for clarity, accuracy, and simple writing.

Are you willing to be a Notetaker?

If you’re willing to serve as a Notetaker for one or more Community Summit discussions, please let us know by this Thursday, August 17. To do so, email or send a direct message to @julia in Making WordPress Slack, and specify which of the 26 session(s) you’re available to note-take (view the schedule here). Please offer to serve as Notetaker only for topics with terminology that will be familiar to you.

Thank you! With your help, we’ll ensure that the Community Summit has a lasting impact on the future of WordPress.